This lesson is still being designed and assembled (Pre-Alpha version)

A Biologist's Guide to Programming and Data Analysis with R and BASH: Glossary

Key Points

Omics Data Collection & Preparation
  • Explore available omics databases before you design your analysis workflow

  • Thoroughly explore the supplamental materials of research study papers.

  • Make sure to install any necessry software in advance.

  • Always include informative documents for your data.

  • Carefully name and store your raw and calculated data files.

DE Analysis with Exact Tests
  • The BiocManager is is a great tool for installing Bioconductor packages in R.

  • Make sure to use the ? symbol to check the documentation for most R functions.

  • Fragments of sequences from RNA sequencing may be mapped to a reference genome and quantified.

  • The edgeR manual has many good examples of differential expression analysis on different data sets.

  • Take a break!

DE Analysis with Generalized Linear Models
  • The BiocManager is is a great tool for installing Bioconductor packages in R.

  • Make sure to use the ? symbol to check the documentation for most R functions.

  • Fragments of sequences from RNA sequencing may be mapped to a reference genome and quantified.

  • The edgeR manual has many good examples of differential expression analysis on different data sets.

Supplemental - Introduction to Omics Data Analysis
  • Biostaticians apply statistical methods to the analysis of biological data sets.

  • Bioinformaticians use algorithms and computer programming to alayze omics data

  • There are a huge variety of omics technologies that generate data for bioinformatics analysis.

  • Scrpting pipelines can be used to automate complex bioinformatics analysis workflows.
