This lesson is still being designed and assembled (Pre-Alpha version)

A Beginner's Guide to Programming and Data Analysis with R and BASH: Glossary

Key Points

Programming Fundamentals
  • Programming is the process of creating instructions or set of related activities to achieve a task or goal.

  • Coding is the process of transforming the set of instructions for a process into a written language that a computer can interpret.

  • Algorithms are the set of step-by-step instructions that explain how to solve a given problem.

  • Pseudocode is the set of instructions for an algorithm written in a plain language.

  • Boolean algebra uses mathematical expressions that are evaluated to one of two values: true or false.

  • Control statments allow you to have flexible outcomes by selecting which pieces of codes are executed, or not.

R Fundamentals
  • Understanding the syntax of a programming language is crucial to writing error free code.

  • Use the ? symbol to examine the description of R functions.

  • Search the internet for further information about R functions.

  • Copy and paste!

  • Take a break!

BASH Fundamentals
  • BASH and R share a lot of the same basic functionalities.

  • Use the -h flag to examine the description of some BASH commands.

  • Search the internet for further information about BASH commands.

  • Copy and paste!

R & BASH Scripting
  • Make small changes and plan for mistakes.

  • Feel free to use RStudio to create, edit, and run BASH scripts.

  • Copy and paste!

Supplemental - Best Practices
  • Use programs to accomplish complex or repetative tasks.

  • Write programs that can be understood by others.

  • Take the time to plan how you will write a program.

  • Collaborate with others whenever possible.

  • Always attempt to write comments while you develop your code.

  • Always include informative documents for your programs.

Supplemental - Language Conventions
  • Some coding languages have specific formatting requirements.

  • Do not modify the existing formatting of code.
